Created by our office receptionist, Liz - all out of her own creative mind!
Speaking of Liz, here's a picture of the giant watermelon I mentioned last night:

I had a little of this with my lunch today. My breakfast was a super juicy grapefruit, and a bag full of grapes. For lunch, I brought some egg salad, lettuce and tomato. We were out of bread at home, so I had to run to Bilo. I was so glad to see that the Earthgrains bread we have grown to love was once again free with 2 lbs of produce! I went back to the produce section and grabbed a huge bunch of firm, just ripe, bananas. The banana chips in the dehydrator last night were pretty much a fail (Lucas liked them!) so I wanted to make some good ones. You can tell just by this picture that they are going to be better than the last batch!

We also threw in a batch of jalapeno and banana peppers (from the garden!), onions and garlic. We want to powder the onion and garlic to make some seasoning. Look at how big our banana peppers have gotten!!

For dinner tonight we kept it pretty simple. My son, Dalton, had requested porcupine meatballs for dinner, which I usually serve with mashed potatoes and corn. Since Lucas and I aren't eating ground beef (for the most part) and the canned soup was FULL of stuff we don't want either, we decided to eat the mashed potatoes, with some sauteed mushrooms and onions, topped with brussel sprouts. I have to say that this was quite possibly THE most filling dinner we've had lately! I am still stuffed!

Lucas would like me to point out his cool new Google Phone - and even further, the cool Ohio State picture on the phone!
We ended our evening with our sit-up program. We're up to 67 sit-ups now! I'm still trying to get a good form and do them the right way, but I'm learning! My shoulders and neck were sore all day today because I'm doing it wrong and pulling myself up with my neck. I did better tonight - Lucas pointed out that I need to be doing more of a crunch and not lay back down all the way.
Well, I have to stay awake until midnight tonight to get the next batch of stuff out of the dehydrator. I'm going to try to read some more Harry Potter without falling asleep...wish me luck!
That is hands down the COOLEST phone I have EVER seen!!! (the food was yummy too!)