Chuck has been fascinated with our computers since he came to live with us. Lucas and I lay in bed at night and we each have our netbooks in our laps, either surfing, or paying bills, or writing blogs. When Chuck was younger, he would stand next to the computer and chase the mouse pointer across the screen, and bark at it if he couldn't catch it. That has worn off some, but he's found a renewed interest in the last week.
I visited one of the message boards that I sometimes live in, and one of the members made the statement that he thought the board was broken because every time he came in, he could hear crickets chirping. Me, being the big joker that I am (yeah, right), thought it would be funny to post a YouTube video of crickets chirping.
Chuck was entranced by it. Ears cocked, standing at attention, with his face right on the screen watching the cricket - it was hilarious! We tried to record the whole thing, but the sound didn't work on the recording.
I decided to look for another video to entertain the pup. I came up with this:
Chuck went WILD!! It was funny to watch his reaction to different animals! He loved the birds and the monkeys. When the lion roared, he jumped backwards on to Lucas's lap. He didn't like the cats either, but I think that's because he had a run-in with one the other night!
After the video was done, he was all worked up. He ran around a bit, then jumped up on the bed. I had put away the computer, but he got up and started scratching in the spot on the bed wear the computer had been, as if the sounds were coming from the bed. He finally gave up after realizing he was getting nowhere!
A few days later I played the video again, this time in the living room. He got up on the back of the chair, behind where the computer was sitting, to try to find the animals. So cute...
(I had a really cute picture to insert here, but my stupid phone wouldn't let me have it...)
Last night I had left my computer open, sitting on the bed when I went to tuck Nathan into bed. When I came in, Chuck was laying flat out on the bed with his nose resting on the keyboard, just staring at the screen. I think he wanted the animals to come out and play!
Try the videos on your dogs! I hope it is just entertaining Chuck, and not making him too nuts, but it's too cute to keep to myself! I had to share the story!
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