Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lotsa veggies

I wasn't going to post tonight, mostly because I'm lazy, but tonight's dinner was so good I had to write about it! It was a completely vegetarian meal (would have been vegan if I hadn't added milk to the mashed potatoes!) I stole this recipe for Skillet Gardener's Pie from here.

It's basically a huge pile of veggies, with a vegetable stock/cornstarch gravy and mashed taters piled on top. I changed the veggie list a bit - no celery in the fridge, and I added some zucchini and the rest of the corn we've been trying to eat up.

We served ours with some grilled zucchini and the last of the grilled leeks. The three leeks we bought seemed expensive at $4 for three of them, but we've gotten at least 4 meals out of them...not too shabby!

That's it! I assure you it tastes 100 times better than it looks. If I'm going to continue this blog thing, I really need to take a class in food staging and food photography - if there is such a thing!

Oh, I also want to mention my delicious breakfast today. I left the camera at home, so no pics, but it was Stonyfield Organic Yogurt - Vanilla with Chocolate on the bottom, mixed with Kashi GoLean Crunch. Try it out - it's wonderful, and surprisingly filling! I'm trying it again tomorrow with the blueberry flavor of the last one :(

Ok, that's all I've got for tonight! Looking forward to HOPEFULLY a half day of work tomorrow and then another three days off!

Good night!

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