- apples
- avacado
- beans
- blueberries
- broccoli
- brown rice
- butternut squash
- cinnamon
- dark chocolate
- extra virgin olive oil
- garlic
- honey
- kiwi
- oats
- onions
- oranges
- pomegranate
- pumpkin
- wild salmon
- soy
- spinach
- sweet potatoes
- tea
- tomatoes
- turkey breast
- walnuts
- yogurt

This is one of my lunches I had during the week. It was more of that yummy Earthgrains bread with some cucumber (from the garden!), mayo and turkey and a side of apple and grapes. It was delicious!

Today, I had LOTS of superfoods on my menu! After a breakfast of my now typical microwaved eggs and toast, I made a lunch of brown rice, with some steamed veggies, including broccoli, and mixed in some cheese and some homemade salsa, which of course, was made with tomatoes. After lunch I had a couple of pieces of dark chocolate, which normally I would consider cheating but HA! It's on the list!! Tonight for dinner we made some thin steaks, stuffed with spinach, garlic, olive oil, Parmesan cheese, portobello mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, and broiled in the oven for a few minutes. We had a side of some red skinned mashed potatoes, and left over spinach mix.

We pretty much hit the superfoods jackpot with that dinner!!
Tomorrow we have plans to hit the farmers market, the big Lowes Foods shopping trip, then hopefully the BEACH!! Cross your fingers for some sun!! Off to watch a movie and cuddle with the hubby! Good night!
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